Maine Rice Project

7 04, 2016

Rice Production Takes Root in Maine


Rice Production Takes Root in Maine April 7, 2016 | Jennifer Osborn | (c) Ellsworth American BLUE HILL — Rice production may bring thoughts of the Southern U.S. or the Far East reaches of the world, but homesteaders near Waterville are embarking on their third successful rice-growing season. Ben Rooney and David Gulak [...]

Rice Production Takes Root in Maine2020-01-19T14:00:56-05:00
18 11, 2015

The Maine Rice Project: 2015


Yes, it has been a long time since our last update! Speaking of long, lets talk about long grain rice. We grew some! Diamante, a long grain from Chile is currently drying in our hoop house. The longer grain, on the left of the first picture firs below is Diamante. The one on the [...]

The Maine Rice Project: 20152019-12-29T19:29:35-05:00
6 12, 2013

The Maine Rice Project: 2012-2013


We started with five grams of seed in 2012 from the USDA. It was an experiment. Two shovels, two friends, and lot of slip-sliding through wet clay and we had a rice paddy, no larger than a kiddie pool. Our dreams were big.  Interested in grain growing for a while, Wild Folk’s site conditions [...]

The Maine Rice Project: 2012-20132019-12-29T19:29:15-05:00